Coaching for Men with
Mental Health Issues

I ensure you get through tough times and come up on top of your situation.
With me, you grow your confidence and strength as a man.


Why its Important

Achieve your goals

Overcome obstacles

Get support from a collaborative process

Feel less isolated

Gain confidence

Feel supported and understood

Feel empowered

See what people are saying


I have been a client of Mila's for several months. I have been struggling for many years with Bipolar Depression. My regular sessions with Mila have been a comfort to me. She has helped me on many occasions to rationalize my thoughts put life and life's challenges into perspective, to challenge my thinking, and to help me focus on what I need to do from a physical and mental perspective to live well. She had helped me understand fear, which is an emotion that has not served me well at times, to understand guilt and shame and to generally manage my thoughts and emotions to serve me rather than work against me.

Going through your life journey
as a man

You're feeling down, and you don't know why. You've tried talking to your friends, but they just don't understand what you're going through.

Imagine having a coach who understands exactly how you feel and can help guide you towards achieving your goals. Your coach will listen to what's on your mind, support you as you work towards achieving your goals, and provide the encouragement that men need when they are struggling with mental health issues.

Coaching for men is an invaluable tool for those who want to achieve their goals in life while overcoming challenges related to mental health issues. A good coach will be able to identify the obstacles that stand in the way of success and help clients overcome them one by one.

What you might be going through as
a male?

Men with mental health issues often feel isolated and unsupported.

Coaching is a form of therapy that can be extremely helpful to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

Coaches help clients to identify and overcome obstacles, and can provide the guidance and encouragement that men need to achieve their goals. Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue, coaching can help you feel empowered and confident as you work towards a brighter future.

Why does coaching for men with mental health issues help?

When men don't feel supported, they can lose confidence and feel discouraged. Coaching can provide an invaluable form of support, helping men to overcome these challenges and feel confident, empowered, and inspired as they work towards their goals. With the guidance of a coach, it is possible to achieve success and happiness despite any mental health issues that you may be facing. Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, or another issue, coaching can help you to thrive and reach your full potential.

If you are a man struggling with mental health issues, contact me, and we can regain control over your life and achieve your goals. I offer collaborative support that helps to reduce feelings of isolation, build confidence, and empower you to take action in achieving your goals. Whether it's getting back into the workforce, reconnecting with loved ones, or simply improving your mental health, coaching can help you overcome the challenges and get back on track. So why wait? Contact me today to start working towards a brighter future!

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