Coaching for women with mental health
issues to help improve their daily lives

Mental health coaching can help improve the daily lives
of women with mental health issues.
Coaching helps these women learn new skills,
set and achieve goals, and manage their symptoms.


Why its Important

Coaching can help women learn new skills

Coaching can help women set and achieve goals

Coaching can help manage symptoms of mental health issues

Coaching provides a supportive environment for women with mental
health issues to share their experiences and feelings

See what people are saying

Priscilla Bonnefin

I reached out to Emilia when I went through a traumatic
event a couple of years ago and I absolutely recommend
her, she saved me in so many ways. Everything she
has taught me, actually showed me how narrow
minded I was and that I saw things very 1 sided and 1
dimensional. Now I can look at things in different
ways, find the positives out of the negatives and
balance in life. So thank you for helping me see
my life through a different lens, I will never forget the
beautiful inspiration you are.

Why you might be struggling with mental issues as a woman

Mental health issues can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Mental health issues can also be caused by stress, trauma, or abuse.

Mental health issues are very common, and one in four people will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.

The challenges women face every day, such as work, child-rearing, and caregiving, can lead to mental health issues.

There are many types of mental health coaching, but all coaching programs share some common features. Coaching programs typically include:

A focus on the present and future, rather than the past.

An emphasis on goal setting and achievement.

A supportive environment where women can share their experiences and feelings openly and without judgement.

Your journey as a woman with
mental health issues

You're tired of feeling like you have no control over your life.

Imagine having a coach who is there to support and guide you every step of the way. Your coach will help you learn new skills, set goals, and manage symptoms so that they don't get in the way of living a full life.

Mental health coaching can help women with mental health issues improve their daily lives by learning new skills, setting and achieving goals, managing symptoms, and more. It's an affordable solution that provides long-term benefits for both client and coach alike.

How I can help with your mental issues?

Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue, coaching can help you explore your thoughts and feelings in a supportive and understanding environment. With the guidance of a skilled coach, you can learn new coping strategies, develop healthier habits, and ultimately improve your quality of life.

So if you're ready to start living your best life, contact me today!

Contact me