Coaching youth with mental health issues

Coaching for Youth can provide essential life skills and mental well-being.


Why its Important

Coaching can help improve mental well-being

Coaching can help develop essential life skills

Coaching can provide a support system

Coaching can increase self-esteem and confidence

Coaching can encourage problem-solving skills

Coaching can improve communication skills

Coaching can provide new perspectives

Coaching can help youths identify and achieve goals

Coaching can help increase motivation

Coaching can improve overall mental health and well-being

See what people are saying


Emilia thrives on helping others face and overcome their own challenges. Through personal hurdles and researched education Emilia is well equipped with the knowledge to open and ease the mind of any one who is struggling with difficult times. I say this from personal experience as Emilia has guided me from and through many internal conflicts, towards a positive solution.

Why you might be struggling
with mental health in your

There are many reasons someone might be struggling with mental health in their youth. Some common reasons include:





Family Problem

Peer Pressure

School Problems

Relationship Problems

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

If you or someone in your youth is struggling with mental health,
coaching can help.

Life skills that can be learned through coaching:

How to cope with stress

How to manage emotions

How to set goals

How to communicate effectively

How to make decisions

How to solve problems

How to handle conflict

How to manage time and money

How to be assertive

How to build self-esteem and confidence

Your journey with coaching
for youth with mental health

You're worried about your child's mental health, and you want to help them. You've tried talking with your child, but they never open up to you.

Imagine having a coach that can help guide you through the process of helping your child develop healthy coping skills for dealing with their emotions and stressors. The coach will provide guidance on how to talk to your child in ways that are most likely to get them talking back, as well as tips on how best to listen so that they feel heard and understood by you.

Coaching for Youth is an evidence-based program designed specifically for parents who have children between the ages of 12–17 years old who struggle with emotional regulation or other mental health issues.

Why you might be struggling with finding your life purpose

Mental health coaching for youth can help improve mental well-being and develop essential life skills. Coaching for Youth can provide a support system, increase self-esteem and confidence, improve communication skills, encourage problem-solving skills, provide new perspectives, help youths identify and achieve goals, and provide inspiration.

If you think you or your child could benefit from mental health coaching, contact me!

Contact me