Coaching to help with parenting:
Get the support you need!

If you're like most parents, you want what's best for your kids. But sometimes it's hard to know
what that is, especially when things get tough. That's where parenting coaching comes in - a
coach can help you figure out the best way to raise your children and deal with the challenges of
parenting. Coaching can provide the support and guidance you need to create the best sense of
family and raise your kids into happy, productive adults.


Parenting coaching can help you with a wide range of issues, including:

Deciding on discipline strategies

Dealing with difficult behaviours

Communicating effectively with kids

Managing stress and anxiety

Becoming a calmer parent in general

Setting goals for your family and helping you
achieve them

See what people are saying

Monika Harasimowicz

I have known Emilia for almost 30 years, and although we lived far apart, and we hardly heard from each other, we like to talk. Her view of the world, so often different from mine, helps me to see many situations in a different light, and to understand what seemed to be complicated and beyond my comprehension.

This was the case with my mother, for example, who I love and who I am worried about because I see her wasting her health and life. Thanks to Emilia, I understood that not everything is so negative that sometimes you have to accept it and not change it by force. Thank you, Emilia, for helping.

Why you might be struggling
with parenting

Parenting can be difficult, especially when you're struggling with your own mental health. Mental illness can make it hard to cope with the stresses of parenting, and can lead to problems in relationships with your children and spouse. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's important to get help from a professional. Coaching can provide the support you need to manage the challenges of parenting and restore healthy relationships with your family.

Parenting coaching is often recommended to parents who are struggling with mental illness, including depression, anxiety, or addiction. Coaching can help you manage your symptoms in a way that doesn't interfere with your responsibilities as a parent, and it can also help you improve communication with your spouse, set goals for the family, and build a closer relationship with your kids.

Your journey with parenting

Parenting can be tough and you don't always have the time or energy to figure everything out on your own. You need someone to help guide you through the challenges of raising a child.

With coaching, you'll get the support and guidance you need to be an amazing parent. You'll learn how to handle difficult situations, set boundaries, and discipline your child in a way that is respectful and effective.

Coaching provides parents with the tools they need to raise happy, healthy children. Get started today and see the difference it makes in your family!

Solutions to parenting

If you're struggling with parenting, don't hesitate to reach out for help. A qualified coach can provide support and guidance as you work through difficult challenges and learn new strategies that can help you be the best parent you can be.

Contact me if you think you can benefit from getting your parenting right!