Coaching to find and improve your

Friendships are vital to our overall happiness and well-being. They provide us with
social support, love, and laughter. But what happens when we feel like we’re not
getting the most out of our friendships? What if we don’t have enough friends or the
ones we do have just don’t quite fit? That’s where coaching comes in.


Why its Important

Increased self-awareness

Greater insight into your own motivations and

Improved communication and negotiation skills

Enhanced ability to create and maintain healthy

Increased social support and networking opportunities

Greater understanding of yourself and others

See what people are saying

Margaret J Smith

Emilia has been a wonderful caring support person/friend for me the last few years. Mila is non-judgemental, open-hearted, and provided the generous support I needed. I wish her all the luck in her career whichever way she goes she will be an asset for anyone to have in your life. Thank you so much!

Why you might be struggling
with finding or improving relationships with your

People might be struggling with finding and improving their friendships because they are not self-aware. They may not understand their own motivations and behaviours, which can lead to poor communication and relationships. Additionally, people who do not have a good understanding of themselves may also feel lonely and unsupported. Coaching can help these individuals learn more about themselves and develop the skills needed to form and maintain healthy friendships

Your journey with friendships

You're feeling lonely, and you don't know how to make friends. You've tried meeting people through work or school, but it's just not the same as having a close friend to rely on.

It's time to get the support you need to find and improve your friendships. With our coaching program, you'll learn how to identify what type of friend is best for you, where to meet new people, and how to develop deeper relationships.

Coaching to find and improve your friendships can help you feel more connected and supported in your life. We'll provide you with the tools and resources you need to build lasting friendships that enrich your life.

How can coaching help you
find friends and improve your friendships?

If you’re struggling to find or improve your friendships, coaching can help. Coaching is an effective way to develop self-awareness, learn communication and negotiation skills, and create healthy relationships. With the help of a coach, you can overcome these challenges and enrich your life with fulfilling friendships.

Book a call with me today and get started!