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Overcoming Emotions and Creating the Life you want to live.

By Emilia Bruckner

We all collect our nuggets of wisdom and try to apply them to enjoy a better quality of life. We are not here for a very long time. Half of that time we are trying to make sense of what is going on, and in the second half we are hoping to get it right. One of my mentors said that "It is better to have the wisdom of the ages without the aging process instead of the wisdom of the ages with the aging process.

Some people will say that they are happy to make mistakes and learn their lessons. We do learn from our mistakes, and it is the best teacher, but I would rather be given the wisdom of the lessons learned and see if I can apply them instead of taking years to get my own answers.

We are born from love, and the biggest gift is to love and be loved. If we ask anyone who only has 24 hours to live, how would they want to spend that time, almost everyone would say that they want to tell those around them that they love them. Most of our regrets come from not letting g of hurts and from closing our hearts to love.

My biggest wish for the reader is to let go of the hurts, blame, guilt, and resentments. At any given time we do our best, and others do as well. There is no point in going back and holding on to the thoughts that if we acted differently or someone else acted differently, then our lives would be better, would be different. This is because we have no certainty that it would be better.

I have learned that the only thing that gave me peace of mind and made sense in my life was when I found out that the so-called "problems" I had were all the outcomes of my choosing not to love.

Love is not that difficult. If we get worried about someone or something who has done something we don't like, it may not be easy to think about it with love straight away. Instead, we can try to redirect our thoughts to what is easier to love; nature, music, pets, people we love, and activities we enjoy. It is about being in a state of as much love and appreciation as possible. It is about focusing our minds on the subjects that feel good.

What we focus on grows and when we focus on what brings us joy, it will bring more joyful experiences to our lives. Letting go of what bothers us makes us free from focusing on what we don't like. In turn, we will not be attracting it back into our lives.

We cannot change how we look at life and how we react if we don't use new ways of thinking. To be able to think differently, we need new ideas. It is not enough to read an affirmation or a sentence that makes sense and expect to gain the tools for new behaviour. New knowledge needs to be applied. To have a healthy mind - one that can cope with the strain of stressful situations - the mind needs to prepare itself to be trained and ready to take it on. I have achieved this by exercising it with new ideas that I have learned.

There were many times when I was very upset, and taking time to find positives to the actions of someone who has hurt me was the last thing I wanted to do. But because I knew that it has worked wonders before, I was certain that if I got over my pride and did it, I would not only free my mind from the unnecessarily heavy burden but also attract pleasant actions from others.

The decisoin of choosing to search for answers will gift you a life full of expirences that will not only broaden your horizons but will make your heart melt with joy, eximent and so much love that it will spil onto everyone around you. Light is the source of life. That light that will be lit inside of you and make everything that you turn your attention to grow.

Keep asking questions, keep listening to your intuition, and keep searching for wisdom that resonates with you and proves itself by giving you the life you want. Do not stop asking for improvement in all areas of your life. Like the tree that turns to the sun and searches for water, keep turning towards the light and thirst for the love that you deserve. You were sent here to experience love and joy. Don't let anyone convince you that for some reason you are meant to suffer. No God or other deity that created us and put us on this earth wants us to suffer. Not now, not in the afterlife.